The Benefits

Improve safety, quality of care, quality of life, and documentation at your facility


Silent Fall Alerts & Analytics


Real-Time Facility Updates


Actionable Information


The SUREnursing™ System fosters resident-centered comfort and care.

A resident attempting to exit the bed is unlikely to experience heightened levels of anxiety created by blaring alarms.

All residents experience less disruption when alarms are silent. Residents are more likely to enjoy uninterrupted sleep when not disturbed.

Placing the Stealth™ Sensor Pad under the mattress removes the discomfort created by old, over-the-mattress pads. Residents no longer sense the heat that can be caused by a plastic pad under the sheet.


With the SURE® System, nurses are work with fewer disruptions.

Mobile device notifications allow staff to communicate quickly and easily about a response to an alert. Once a staff member indicates they are responding, other staff are able to return to other duties.

Live-views of a unit or facility allow staff to quickly assess at a glance the status of a resident at the beginning of a shift or at any point throughout the day.

The SURE System® stores historical data related to the number of alerts connected to a particular bed. This information will help nurses to communicate with other staff, family members, or even a resident, about their needs and facilitates nurses to do what they do best: care for residents.


With the SURE® System, nurses work with fewer disruptions.

Mobile device notifications allow staff to communicate quickly and easily about a response to an alert. Once a staff member indicates they are responding, other staff are able to return to other duties.

Live-views of a unit or facility allow staff to quickly assess at a glance the status of a resident at the beginning of a shift or at any point throughout the day.

The SURE System® stores historical data related to the number of alerts connected to a particular bed. This information will help nurses to communicate with other staff, family members, or even a resident, about their needs and facilitates nurses to do what they do best: care for residents.


The SURE® System facilitates evidence-based insights that allow administration to better understand resident and staff needs.

Customizable reports, combined with daily and weekly reports, paint a full, clear picture of the activity within a facility. Information related to alert response times and number of alerts helps administrators understand the needs of residents as well as demands on staff. With this understanding, administrators can continue to facilitate individualized resident-based care.

Reports clearly display times in the day when alerts occur at higher frequencies or when many residents are out of bed. This information is vital for determining staffing needs to provide the proper level of support for residents and staff.

The SURE® System serves as a tool to promote collaboration between administrators and staff. Clear information related to resident mobility will facilitate communication as all parties work to provide the highest level of individual resident-based care.